Improving My Car

The Signs That Your Vehicle's Wheels Are Out Of Alignment

One important part of maintaining your vehicle is making sure that your wheels are in alignment. While this is typically done when having new tires put on or rotating your tires, it is possible for your wheels to fall out of alignment due to hitting potholes or wear and tear. Here are a few signs that you currently have a bad wheel alignment and that you should be concerned if you see several of these problems happening all at once. 

Vehicle Pulling

A problem that likely means you are in need of a wheel alignment is a vehicle pulling off to the side of the road when you take your hands off the steering wheel. Pulling off to the left or right side is kind of irrelevant since wheels out of alignment can cause pulling to happen to either side. Just be concerned if you notice that the vehicle constantly wants to pull to a certain side. If the car only does this occasionally, it's possible that you are only experiencing this problem due to the road you are driving on. 

Squealing Tires

If your wheels are not in alignment and perfectly straight, then one of your tires may be squealing because it is not rolling perfectly straight. It is actually skidding on the ground slightly and will make a squealing sound as a result. This is not only a sign that you need a wheel alignment, but it will also be causing uneven wear to your tires. If you let this problem go on long enough, you may find that the tread is worn down on some tires more than others, which will eventually result in the premature replacement of all four tires. 

Crooked Steering Wheel

When you are driving straight down a road, pay attention to the position of your steering wheel and if it is also perfectly straight. One sign of a car that needs a wheel alignment is a steering wheel that is crooked. While this could be due to needing a wheel alignment, keep in mind that it can also be caused by a steering wheel that was not put on properly and needs to be fixed. Either way, take your car to an auto shop to fix it. 

These are only a few reasons why a vehicle can require a wheel alignment. Not sure if you need one? Take your vehicle to a local auto shop like D Wells Automotive Service so they can investigate the problem for you. 
